Learn Botanical Illustration in March
Special Announcement, 12/14/2015

Botanical Illustration Intensive Workshop
Kalāheo, Kaua‘i, Hawai‘i
March 2016
by Botanical Artist Wendy Hollender
Kalāheo, Kaua‘i, Hawai‘i
March 2016
by Botanical Artist Wendy Hollender
WENDY HOLLENDER is a botanical artist, illustrator, author, and instructor. Hollender’s illustrations have been published in such publications as The New York Times, O - the Oprah Magazine, Real Simple, Good Housekeeping, and Sunset magazine.
Wendy will return to National Tropical Botanical Garden headquarters campus to lead workshops in the art of botanical illustration, using NTBG’s living collections and other resources.
so don’t delay registering.
Space is limited
Special for Existing NTBG Members: 10%-off workshop fee
Get your member discount code at
before registering.
Three-week workshop: March 6 - 25
Two-week workshop: March 6 - March 18
One-week workshops offered: March 6 - 10 (recommended for beginners) or March 21-24 (recommended for advanced)
For More Details and to Register for Workshop, go to:
Botanical Illustration Intensive Workshop - 2016
Botanical Art featured on this page:
Artocarpus altilis (breadfruit) by Wendy Hollender