July 20 - July 29, 2012
Island culture; plantation history * Local foods & shopping * Sports & outdoor recreationKids & family activities * Celebration events with live entertainment
FRIDAY – July 20
Plantation Days Rodeo - Preliminary Roping & American West Barrel Racing
at CJM Stables, 11am-3pm. 742-6096.
Bull Riding Showdown & Paniolo BBQ by Kalapaki Joe’s & CJM Stables at
rodeo arena, 4pm-9pm. Food, music, bull riding, keiki activities. $5 entry. 635-3053.
SATURDAY – July 21
Pō‘ipū Kai Charity Tennis Summer Challenge, 8am-4:30pm.
$25 entry fee. Entry deadline: July 13. 634-6050.
Historic Hapa Trail Walk departing from St. Raphael’s Church,
by Kōloa Community Association. 9am. 651-1332.
Plantation Days Rodeo Preliminary Roping at CJM Stables, 11am-5pm. 742-6096.
Polynesian Revue & Fire Dancer, Po‘ipū Shopping Village 7:30-8:30pm. 742-2831.
SUNDAY – July 22
Pō‘ipū Kai Charity Tennis Summer Challenge, 8am-2pm. $25 entry.
Free tennis play and games for kids ages 7-14 from 2-4pm. 634-6050.
Miniature Golf Tournament, ages 13 & under, Lāwa‘i Beach Resort, 10am. 240-5179.
13th Annual Plantation Days Rodeo at CJM Stables. Pre-rodeo entertainment,
$2 adults, children free ($1 goes to YMCA). 11am-3:30pm. 742-6096.
MONDAY – July 23
Makawehi Sand Dune Hike, Grand Hyatt Kaua‘i, Seaview Terrace 9am. 742-1234.
Historic Film Night & Exhibit, The Shops at Kukui‘ula. 6pm. 7:30pm movie. 742-9545.
TUESDAY – July 24
Kōloa Plantation Days Craft Fair, The Point at Po‘ipū, 9am-1pm. 742-1888.
Mixed Plate - Live Music at Old Kōloa Town Courtyard, 5-8pm. 245-7238.
Coastal Hike by Mālama Māhā‘ulepū. 9:30-11:30am. Meet at CJM Stables. 346-1509.
Traditional Hawaiian Games, Outrigger Kiahuna Plantation, 10am-12pm. 742-6411.
Plantation Treats at Kaua‘i Culinary Market, The Shops at Kukui‘ula, 4-6pm. 742-9545.
THURSDAY – July 26
Look Back Through the Sugar Era, Old Kōloa Mill, by Grove Farm. 9-11am. 245-3678x222
Plantation Days Putting Contest, Po‘ipū Bay Resort Golf Club, 2-4pm. 742-8711.
Lū‘au Buffet Dinner & Show, Grand Hyatt Kaua‘i. 6pm. Call for pricing: 240-6456.
FRIDAY – July 27
Māhā‘ulepū Watercolor Class by Mālama Māhā‘ulepū. Fee for supplies or bring
your own. 9am-noon. 346-1509.
Talk Story: Sweet Memories of Old Kōloa, Kōloa Union Church, 4:30pm. 332-0303.
Old Kōloa Town Historical Walk departing from Kōloa School, 5:30pm. 332-5201.
Movies in the Park by Rotary of Po‘ipū Beach, 8pm screening, 652-2136.
SATURDAY, July 28 – Annual Parade & Park Celebration
HISTORIC PARADE – 10am, Kōloa Town.
Floats, marching units, riders, classic cars & the Pacific Fleet Band
PARK CELEBRATION – 10am-5pm, Anne Knudsen (Kōloa) Park.
Food, Crafts, Keiki fun, Live Entertainment! $2 admission. 652-3217.
SUNDAY – July 29
Family Fun Run/Walk by Kukui‘ula Canoe Club. Race fees apply. 7-10am. 635-0165.
Keoki’s Ukes in Paradise Keiki ‘Ukulele Competition at Keoki’s Paradise.
10am start. $15 entry includes lunch and t-shirt. 742-7534.